Graduation Ready

How we’re guiding students through college

Our graduate ready initiatives center on creating classrooms producing equitable class outcomes and optimizing support for the critical student populations on campus. Thus, our initiatives focus on two areas:

  1. engaging instructors of 100- and 200-level general education and pre-major requirement classes to raise overall student success rates and remove equity gaps within these critical early career classes [read more]
  2. assessing and improving campus support services for IU’s 21st Century Scholars [read more].

Teaching for the greater good

How can we ensure equitable class outcomes for entering college students with various levels of academic preparedness? That’s part of what we’re exploring. We’re focusing on curricular analytics in order to find ways to remove barriers and transform the curriculum to benefit more diverse learners.

We launched Strategic Curriculum Analysis and Improvement Projects (SCAIP) to promote curricular transformation. Charting the Future administers support for faculty members from all IU campuses to explore curricular sequences critical to student success (for example, the math requirements for pre-STEM and pre-health majors) and proposes, assesses, and implements improvements to those sequences.


Optimizing support for critical student populations

Tying in closely with our curricular analytics objective, helping underserved students to complete their education is a high priority. 

Charting the Future addresses expanding support for 21st Century Scholars across all IU campuses. Guided by the Insight Engine, we use a range of quantitative and qualitative research designs to assess support needs and to improve services and support available to the 21st Century Scholars at each regional campus.

We are also dedicated to improving IU’s capacity to identify, implement, and assess the usefulness of the quickly expanding market of “Ed Tech” applications. More importantly, we are developing practices and protocols for using these products to ensure the appropriate use of these technologies to reach the targeted student populations.

By addressing issues of equity and antiracism, we can help ensure more students stay in college through graduation.
